Joe from the video "Livin' on the edge".
Autographed picture of Joe Perry.
Steven from the video "Love in an elevator".
Steven from Rolling Stones Magazine.
Autographed picture of Steven.
Steven from the video "Crazy".
Steven half painted from the video "Livin' on the edge".
Steven poses for the World Wide Web.
Steven singing from the video "Livin' on the edge".
An autographed picture of the band.
Picture of the band from the Big Ones Album.
Picture of the band from the Get a grip Album.
Joe and Steven doing a photo shoot.
Picture of the band from the Pump Album.
Painting of the band from the Rocks Album.
Steven & Liv on the cover of Rolling Stones Magazine.
Picture of the band from the Official Aerosmith page.
Sticking their hands in cement for the Walk Of Fame.