Fever - "Beaver" He had a hit TV-show...old-a style in-a black & white! Now ya see it in-a Spanish if you turn the tube on late at night! Ya see the Bea-ver! Bea-ver! Beav-er! The Bea-veeeeer! The Beaver and his fam'ly - know 'em all too well! The names of all the actors to you I can tell! It's comin' on....hey, gee that's swell! All right!! Now Wally's home, but I wonder where's the Beav?? Well, gee - I don't know, Mom, but then it's not hard to conceive.... That the Bea-ver! Bea-ver! Bea-ver! Bea-veeeeer! The Beaver is in dutch yet again to-day... He never thinks the consequence will come-a his way! Just talk to him - it'll be okay. All riiiiiight!! He can't run away from trouble... How-ever hard he try! He prob'ly had a test, couldn't do his best, and a-used a cheatin' eye. Golly myyyyyy!!! (interlude 1) By now ya'd think he'd have learned That to tell the truth Is much smarter than to Always sit in the dunking booth. Oh, yes!! Because it never works, and he's always in a mess!! Oh where's the Bea-ver? Bea-ver! Bea-ver! Bea-veeeer! I'll bet he's hiding from us in some real close place. He thinks he has to lie to us and cover his face When all he needs - is June's and Ward's embrace tonight! And then there's Eddie Haskell! Him we just can't for-get about! Prob'ly started this - stuck some dumb idea In his mind that won't come out. Well, why don't we just go see him. I betcha he knows - where he's gooooone!! (interlude 2) We want the Bea-ver! (You get him right a-way!) Bea-ver! (Please, he's been gone all day!) Bea-ver! (It's almost suppertime!) Bea-ver! (Don't you give us your lines!) Beaver, whyn't he just come tell 'em what he done? He'll know that they still love 'im, and he's still their son! He has to learn what he did was wrong. Hey, after all, the show's just half an hour long! Well, I can't watch no more TV Lite... Jesus, why ya think they started col'rin' black & white?!? I'm outta here, Leavin' Beaver there... Thas' right!!!